

Protect and preserve existing sustainable uses to ensure economic vibrancy and resource access for coastal communities.


Protect and preserve healthy existing natural resource-based economic activity on the Washington Coast.


Goal Action Progress
Understand, define, document all existing marine activities taking place in the study area
  • Sector analysis on existing marine uses
  • Need for participation in multiple “legs” of the industry
Strong Progress
Economic Contributions of Uses
  • Economic analysis by county
  • Concern about closures for other new uses (e.g. marine renewable energy)
  • Assumption that the MSP process will result in space being set aside for certain uses
Strong Progress
Identify and Assess Indicators of Economic Health
  • Create indicators for social well-being
  • Potential effects on pteropods (key juvenile salmon food source)
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Identify Existing Laws to Minimize Impacts
  • Potential effects on Dungeness crab larvae
  • Potential effects on pteropods (key juvenile salmon food source)
Limited Progress
Stakeholder Participation
  • Threat of oil spills and lack of response preparation
Improvement Needed



Maritime Culture


Maintain maritime coastal communities from now into perpetuity.


Sustain diverse traditional uses and experiences to ensure continuity of Washington’s coastal identity, culture, and high quality of life.

Goal Action Progress
Understand Cultural Uses
  • Document areas and uses of historical significance
  • Documnet areas and uses of cultural significance
  • Document current visual resources
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Protecting Aesthetics
  • Provide recommendations that protect the aesthetic quality of the marine environment
  • Provide recommendations that protect maritime activities
  • Provide recommendations that protect marine culture and sense of place
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Document Vulnerability to Coastal Hazards
  • Document coastal community vulnerability as they relate to proposed future activities
Limited Progress
Identify Social Well-Being
  • Identify indicators of social well-being
  • Verify the results of the social well-being indicators with each coastal county
Strong Progress



Marine Ecosystem


Ensure that our marine ecosystem is preserved for future generations.


Foster healthy and resilient marine ecosystem functions, biodiversity and habitats.

Goal Action Progress
Understand Nature
  • Understand current status of the natural resources
  • Understand current status of ecosystem conditions
  • Understand impacts of natural variability and natural stressors over the short-term
  • Understand impacts of natural variability and natural stressors over the long-term
  • Document information on ecosystem values and services
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Understand Human Impacts to Nature
  • Understand the implications of various human activities to the marine ecosystem
  • Document species and habitats that face higher potential risk or impact from proposed activities
Limited Progress
Document Vulnerability to Coastal Hazards
  • Document coastal community vulnerability as they relate to proposed future activities
Limited Progress
Identify Ecologically Important Areas
  • Assess areas of ecological importance or particular sensitivity
Strong Progress
Define Ecosystem Health
  • Idenitfy ecological indicators of ecosystem health
  • Assess ecological indicators for Washington’s Coast
Strong Progress
Avoid Adverse Environmental Impacts
  • Understand existing laws to avoid and minimize adverse environmental impacts
  • Provide special protection for marine life and resources of the Columbia River, Willapa Bay, Grays Harbor estuary, and the Olympic National Park
Limited Progress



Management Framework


Develop an integrated decision making process which supports proactive, adaptive and efficient spatial planning.


Develop a locally supported and collaborative process that is coordinated with existing authorities for aligning management decisions.

Goal Action Progress
Gather Information on Climate Change
  • Synthesize information on climate change
  • Predict impacts to marine resources and existing uses.
  • Address how climate change may influence plan scenarios and potential impacts of new uses
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Engage Stakeholders in All Phases
  • Engage local, state, federal, and tribal governments to ensure relevant management information are integrated
  • Verify that the uses comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations
Strong Progress
Share Technical Information Across State Lines
  • Coordinate with neighboring states and provinces to share technical information
Strong Progress
Recommend Improvements
  • Recommend approaches for improving the efficiency of the permitting process, where and if appropriate
Strong Progress
Involve Existing and Proposed New Uses Stakeholders
  • Identify individuals and organizations representing existing and proposed new uses
  • Involve individuals working elsewhere on similar issues
  • Involve the identified parties in all phases of the planning process
Strong Progress
Describe the Management Framework
  • Describe how existing state laws, policies and regulations address existing and proposed uses
  • Articulate a strategy for interagency communication, adaptation, implementation, and review of the Marine Spatial Plan
  • Align and incorporate Washington’s MSP with other state management plans and goals
Limited Progress
Include Public Input
  • Provide public opportunities for engagement and input throughout the planning process
  • Identify barriers to participation
  • Work with local stakeholders to address and reduce barriers to public participation
  • Document comments and provide responses, as appropriate
Strong Progress
Engage with Scientists
  • Engage scientific experts in review of data and methods
  • Develop data standards for data collection and analysis
Strong Progress
Use Best Available Science
  • Use best available science and information throughout the planning process and drafting of the plan
  • Provide common information base to assist management decisions
Strong Progress





Encourage economic development that recognizes the aspirations of local communities and protects coastal resources.


Enhance sustainable economic opportunities to achieve a resilient economy and improved quality of life.

Goal Action Progress
Understand Potential New Uses
  • Understand potential new uses (benefits, adverse impacts)
  • Evaluate direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts in environmental review documents
Limited Progress
Develop Recommendations
  • Develop a coastal decision-making tools
  • Analyze compatible roles for uses
  • Recommend appropriate and compatible roles for future activities (renewable energy, new locations of dredge disposal or aquaculture, and others)
Strong Progress
Develop Mitigation Measures
  • Identify appropriate mitigation measures to address impacts posed by proposed future uses
  • Develop mitigation measures in accordance with state laws and regulations
Strong Progress