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Science Advisory Panel Stakeholders Federal and Local Governments State Ocean Caucus Tribes General Public

Local and federal governments play important roles in managing coastal resources and uses off Washington’s Pacific Coast.
Local cities and counties develop and adopt local Shoreline Master Programs in partnership with the state. These programs contain policies and regulations that affect shoreline uses and development.
Various federal agencies have roles in managing certain aspects of coastal resources and uses. In Washington State waters (out to 3 nautical miles offshore), federal agencies manage national wildlife refuges, a national marine sanctuary and a national park. Federal agencies also play a role in managing fisheries, dredging, and navigation; protecting national security and natural resources, and leasing federal waters for other activities.
The Marine Spatial Plan for Washington’s Pacific Coast will compile ocean data and information providing a common framework for supporting and integrating management decisions. Local and federal governments have important data, information and expertise to contribute and can also benefit from updated information resulting from the plan. The State Ocean Caucus agencies will involve and consult with local and federal government agencies throughout the planning process.
The National Ocean Council developed the Marine Planning handbook to assist with implementation of marine planning efforts under the National Ocean Policy. This handbook acknowledges state marine plans as building blocks for regional planning efforts. By developing a plan, Washington will be positioned to inform and contribute to West Coast planning efforts and to represent the state’s plan and priorities.